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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trading With Automatic Forex Trading

Forex Trading is an online, global market where central banks and large corporations buy blocks of currency (usually in lots of 100,000 units) for 24 hours a per day, hold on weekends. Since the mid 1990s, it's been possible for small investors to get into the act as well. The state-of-the-art now available to the individual investor has sparked great interest in automatic forex trading.

The Foreign Exchange (Forex) market is the marketplace where currency of one country is traded for currency of another country. These trades happen constantly and in a vast number of transactions that equate into billions of dollars on trades being carried out on a daily basis, making Forex one of the largest and most active financial markets.

In one form or another, Forex has existed as long as currencies have been traded, but it has only been very recently, in the last decade or so, that currencies started to be traded by the "public." For decades this market was exclusively the domain of the back rooms of the banks which profited considerably over this time. With the advent of the internet and sophisticated automated Forex trading systems, the facility to contribute in the Forex market is now open to virtually anyone, as long as they have a computer, an internet connection, a Forex brokerage account and a good system.

And therein lies the rub. Trying to stay on top of a forex position requires constant monitoring. Fortunately, there are automated tools that will let you specify a currency, an asking price, and a selling price. Combined with a brokerage account (so that you don't have to put in $100,000 in seed money, but can get your funds aggregated with other investors), these can provide a reliable automatic forex trading system that will manage your purchase and sell orders, whether it's 4 AM or 2 PM your time.

The major benefit of automatic Forex trading systems is that it allows you to improve from the profitability of the Forex market without having to become a professional authority in Forex trading, and with very little investment of your time. In fact, there are five different ways that you can benefit from such systems, as follows:

Benefit One: With an automatic Forex trading system, you are not required to do the actual trading yourself which means you are not putting in a great deal of time and are not chained to your computer. This is a huge benefit for many and for most people interested in Forex, it is top on their list of benefits. And, for the Forex trader who enjoys being tied to the personal pc trading, it also means he is able to trade through one system and also be able to trade at the same time trade with a second or third account using an automated platform. But, for those not interested in the daily grind of trading, they can take care of their primary business and still enjoy Forex profits.

Benefit Two: An automated Forex trading system allows your trades to be made at any time of the day or night, regardless of your presence. With a manual trading platform, some of the profitable trades will be missed when the trader is not able to be at the computer. The nature of automatic trading overcomes this problem and provides profitable trades to take a place without any human intervention.

Benefit Three: You also have the option of taking advantage of multiple Forex strategies and different systems when you are running your Forex trading on auto-pilot. You can trade through many systems with the same automated trading provider, or you can choose to operate with more than one provider. Because different systems are designed to be triggered by different indicators, and emphasize different currency pairs, trading through more than one automated system allows you to diversify your investment, and your risk, and with virtually no additional work on your part.

Benefit Four: Using an automatic Forex trading system eliminates the human foibles and psychology that can often interfere with proper and profitable trading decisions.

Benefit Five: You are able to make trades that would be impossible for one person to be able to keep up with. A private body is only capable of monitoring a few currency pairs at a time, but utilizing an automated system enables you to multiply the number of pairs you can follow and trades you can execute, because it is the sophisticated software that is doing it all for you.

Some trends worth watching when doing foreign exchange trading are changes to prime lending rates, or increasing the capital thresholds in certain markets. Drops in a prime rate tend to reduce the asking price of a given unit of foreign exposure, because it's easier to take out a credit, and increases the quantity of fund in circulation. Other trends to watch are wars - during the run up to the war in Iraq, the Euro went from $0.81 cents each to $1.41, before settling back down to roughly $1.25, where it's remained stable ever since. The trick is to look at the news, and make a good hunch as to how it's going to impact the forex market, and then set your automated forex trading system to capitalize on it, even if you're soundly tired.


1 comment:

Blogger said...

I would suggest that you go with the best Forex broker: AvaTrade.

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