Profit or loss calculation If you have bought the goods (currency) at one price, then
have sold it at another one, then the profit or loss will make a difference between the price of sale
and purchase of the transaction multiplied by the sum of the transaction. Profit or loss=
Transaction sum * (Sell price – Buy price)
In a general view the formula of calculation of the profit and losses looks as follows:
Profit/Loss = N lots*100000*(Sell–Buy) – Nlots* Commission –N
where N lots – quantity of lots 100 000each, used by trader
Sell – sell price of base currency
Buy – buy price of base currency
Spread – the commission raised by the dealing company
Overnight – difference in interest rates between base currency and counter currency for
operations Sell or Buy, depending on operations made by the trader. It is raised only in a case if
trader has not had time to close a position the same day. It can be positive (it is paid due to the
trader), and negative (is paid extra to the trader) Ndays – Quantity of days the trader has closed a
position within.
Possible profit or the loss (Unrealized P/L)
If you have an open position, you will have a necessity of possible profit or loss
calculation during concrete moments of time as rate constantly changes. While the position is not
closed, the profit or loss data is not finalized and refer to floating (possible or unrealized). If you
close your position during this moment at this rate you will receive such profit or loss. Same
formula should be used for calculation of possible profit or loss
You can carry out an output on FOREX only through the intermediary. The commission
house or the dealing center could be such intermediary. These organizations give you an
opportunity to use one of computer information systems such as Dow Jones Telerate, REUTERS
and have the allocated telephone or computer channel with the broker that gives you the
quotation of currency and you can make operations through. You also can directly work with the
commercial bank or the broker house. At the second variant you reduce the quantity of
intermediaries between you and FOREX that allows receiving more favorable operating
conditions. Even if you are so solvent and presume to buy and pay to yourself monthly services
of one of the information systems, the output on the active market participant (market-maker)
giving you the price for transactions is necessary for you either way.
The prices you see on the computer screen are the prices of real FOREX transactions. The
prices constantly change. Therefore you cannot simply call the broker and order operation under
the price convenient for you as this price can not suit him. Before you make a deal you request
for the price and can buy or sell only at the price given to you by broker. Firstly, do not forget
that you are a passive participant of the market and cannot establish the price. Secondly, the
broker will give you quotation poorly distinguished from what you see on the computer screen.
You should specify what operation we want to make - purchase or sale at the closing or opening
of a position. The commands Buy (to buy) or Sell (to sell) are used for this purpose
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